Track product catalog performance

Transform static catalogs into dynamic, interactive experiences that drive engagement, sales, and customer loyalty.

Square image

Custom branding
Showcase your brand.

Video narrations
Easily video-narrate any PDF documents or presentations when needed (otherwise video is optional). Redo slide if you made a mistake. Use built-in teleprompter to record longer videos.

Resource centre
Attach any supporting files and links. Make it easy for your prospects and clients to find the right information quickly.

Company profiles
Create company profiles with custom banners and info-packages tailored to key target accounts.

Contact details
Show your contact info easily accessible by your prospects and clients.

Custom CTAs
Add custom CTAs to drive prospects or clients to your calendar, sign up form, etc.

Engagement analytics
See how prospects and clients interact with your PDFs.

Feedback and Reactions
Collect feedback from prospects and clients. Feedback and reactions are not publicly visible.

Share PDFs
Share any existing PDF presentations and documents.

Live links
Share with a single link. Update files even after sharing your link. Get notified when your PDF is viewed. Turn off access anytime.

Adadot using video PDFs
Pocketed using video PDFs
Wattpad using video PDFs
Opnbx using video PDFs
Troopster using video PDFs
CinemAds using video PDFs


Interactive product catalogs

Equip your marketing and sales teams with video-narrated PDF catalogs, ensuring your products are showcased effectively to potential customers and partners.

Video-narrate and track PDF documents


Real-time product catalog tracking

Leverage powerful analytics to track product engagement, identify popular items, and make data-driven decisions for inventory management and marketing strategies.

Video-narrate and track PDF documents


Enhance product catalog effectiveness

Use engagement metrics and viewer insights to continuously improve your product catalogs, ensuring they resonate with your target audience and drive conversions.

Video-narrate and track PDF documents


Actionable product catalog insights

Unlock the full potential of your product catalog by analyzing customer interactions and optimizing your offerings for maximum conversion rates.

Video-narrate and track PDF documents


4x product catalog engagement

Build authentic connections with customers. Leverage Video PDFs to create engaging product demonstrations, highlighting key features and benefits that drive purchase decisions.


Product information hub

Easily organize and share additional product details, user manuals, and promotional materials in one centralized location, enhancing the customer’s product research experience.

Share files in the best virtual content rooms


Track product catalog performance

Gain valuable insights into customer behavior, track product popularity, and identify areas for improvement in your catalog design and content.

PDF document tracking analytics dashboard - DeckLinks
HubSpot (logo)

“Seriously cool product! Very excited to see it integrated with HubSpot.”

Scott Brinker
VP Platform Ecosystem, HubSpot

Maximize product catalog performance

Elevate your product catalog strategy with interactive experiences, powerful engagement analytics, and optimized product showcasing.

Used by teams of all sizes

See what our customers say about DeckLinks

Frequently Asked Questions

How does DeckLinks enhance product catalog management compared to traditional methods?

DeckLinks transforms static product catalogs into interactive experiences by adding video narrations, custom CTAs, and content rooms. This enhances product visibility, improves customer engagement, and provides valuable analytics. Unlike traditional methods, DeckLinks offers real-time tracking, secure sharing, and easy updates, streamlining the entire catalog management process.

Yes, DeckLinks can be integrated with your existing online store or e-commerce platform. Our solution allows you to embed interactive product catalogs directly on your website or landing pages. This seamless integration enhances your customers’ browsing experience, showcases product details more effectively, and can lead to increased sales and conversions.

DeckLinks offers a secure sharing feature that allows you to set passwords for your product catalogs. When sharing a catalog link, you can enable password protection. Recipients will need to enter the password to access the catalog, ensuring that only authorized individuals can view your product information and maintaining control over your catalog distribution.

Absolutely! DeckLinks allows you to update your product catalogs even after sharing. When you make changes to your catalog, all shared links will automatically reflect the latest version. This ensures that your customers, suppliers, and partners always have access to the most up-to-date product information, pricing, and details without needing to resend links.

DeckLinks provides robust analytics features for tracking customer engagement. You’ll receive real-time notifications when your catalog is viewed, access detailed metrics like session duration and time spent per product, and gain insights into viewer behavior. This data helps you identify popular products, optimize your catalog layout, and make informed inventory decisions.

The video narration feature allows you to add personalized video explanations to your product catalog. This creates a more engaging and interactive experience for customers, enabling you to highlight key product features, demonstrate usage, and provide additional context. Video narrations can significantly boost product understanding and influence purchase decisions.

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